Saturday, May 3, 2014

Mobile App That Gives You $5 each month!

I just love discovering money that I thought I didn't have.  I recently signed up with Media Insiders

This is an app you download on to your android or ios phone and it sits on your phone and is used as research purpose.  I mean might as well get paid for it when the government is already going through our information anyway!

Here's their statement.
"Your information will be used for research purposes only. At no time will we ever post on your wall, comment or otherwise interact with you publicly or privately via Facebook or Twitter. Your personal information is never shared or released publicly"

Today you can view the amount that I made within 3 months.  I totally forgot I even had this, so it was awesome to be able to get a gift card to Target!  You could even just use it to make a Donation to a cause!

If you have any questions let me know please check out the site if you'd like to sign up and try it out please click here -

Take care and God Bless.

Please check out
Great for tweeters and advertisers!

Please follow @RenaRefers                    @RenaFoShoTwitter/Instagram

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